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Fortnite’s rarest skin, has returned to the Item Shop

After over 900 days,  Fortnite’s  rarest skin has returned. Recon Expert has finally reappeared in the Item Shop. Fortnite’s  shop usually updates at night in the U.S. But for some reason, Recon Expert was added as an early morning surprise today at around 4am CT. The skin costs 1,200 V-Bucks and even comes with a variant, which equips the skin with a hat. Recon Expert was first sold in October 2017, right after the battle royale mode for  Fortnite  initially released. It hasn’t appeared in the Item Shop since Nov. 11, 2017, which was right before  Fortnite  exploded in popularity and player population. Only the true early adopters of the battle royale game would have had this skin before today, making it one of the rarest in the game. Now, don’t be surprised to see dozens of Recon Experts running around. Rare skins are hunted down by avid  Fortnite  players and often seen as a point of pride. Skins like Ghoul Trooper were highly sought after due to their rarity until Epic
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Memorial Day

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Be Soothed by the Music of the Zimbabwean Mbira in Today’s Google Doodle

Zimbabwe’s Culture Week is now ongoing, which is why today’s Google Doodle celebrates the national instrument of the country: the mbira, a seemingly-straightforward device that consists of a flat board and several thin metal keys that nevertheless produces transcendent music. “I think anyone who has had more than five minutes with Zimbabwean mbira cannot forget the sound,” said Albert Chimedza, a musician, the founder of the Mbira Centre and a speaker in  an explanation video  filmed by Google to accompany the Doodle. “To me,” Chimedza continued, “it’s a cross between water and air.” Today’s doodle is also accompanied by a game wherein the user can “play” the mbira using their laptop or handheld device. Over hundreds of years, the instrument has been a staple in Zimbabwean Shona ceremonies and a critical symbol of the improvisational magic that each individual musician can bring to their respective communities with their playing. “We wanted to make sure to reflect the culture

Décès de Gregory Tyree Boyce, acteur vu dans « Twilight »

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la maladie de Kawasaki ?

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